
New version 0.19.0

 — releases

Improvements to existing features


  • Add CSV Import to Participatory Space Private Users. #5304

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  • Allow multi-choice answers to questions in consultations. #5356

  • Allow to restrict voting to a question by adding verifications permissions #5274

  • Add admin results page to consultations #5188

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  • Allow admins to create image galleries in proposals if attachments are enabled. #5339

  • Copy attachments when importing proposals #5198

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Wizard for amendments: Draft > Compare > Preview + Publish/Discard

Admin improvements:

  • Display options: The administrator can configure whether an amendment is visible to everyone or the participant only views the amendments that he has created -> Only when amendment is enabled

  • Configuration of amendments by phase of the participatory process ->Now, it is not possible to activate or desactivate the creation of amendments according to the phase of the participatory process

  • Add: amendments Wizard Step Form #5244

  • Add: Improvements in amendments on Proposals control version #5185


  • Allow attachments to blog posts. #5336

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Check the full changelog here.